Anime is the term given to Japanese animation, which has a distinct style that is unique to Asian Animation companies. Anime cartoons have become popular around the world, and are either subtitled or dubbed into other languages. This popular art form has inspired artists to create fan art pieces, such as these anime cupcakes.
The characters and items from the popular anime series Pokémon are very recognizable, and make for super cute cupcake designs. The character Pikachu and the pokéball transportation device are two of the most recognizable designs.
Dragon Ball Z Cupcakes
Dragon Ball Z’s wild-haired animated characters are popular for their lively attitudes and endless adventures. The cartoon TV series was based on a manga (comic) strip that originally ran in the magazine Weekly Shonen Jump from 1984-1995. These anime cupcakes are fan art that you can eat, and are an excellent baking project idea for kids and adults alike.
Naruto Cupcakes
The world of Naruto is one of magic and intrigue, populated by a human-like race. The characters have a wealth of personality and character, which make them an intriguing subject for cupcake design. This edible fan art makes an excellent gift for anime fans, and can be used in place of a birthday cake.
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Wow!I’m going to start baking now!