5 Funny Christmas Cartoons

Share a bit of Christmas humor with these funny Christmas cartoons, based on famous Christmas characters such as Santa Claus, Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.


Frosty the Snowman

Frosty the snowman knew
the sun was hot that day
So he said, ”Let’s run and
we’ll have some fun
now before I melt away.” – Frosty the Snowman by Walter Rollins and Steve Nelson, 1950

Funny Christmas Cartoon Frosty Hot Tub



Run Down Reindeer

Grandma got run over by a reindeer,
Walkin’ home from our house, Christmas eve. – Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer by Randy Brooks, 1979

Funny Christmas Cartoon Card Run Down Reindeer



You’d Better be Good

He’s making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out Who’s naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town – Santa Claus is Coming to Town - Coots and Gillespie, 1934

What gifts do naughty children get for Christmas?

Funny Christmas Cartoon Santa on a Chimney Toilet



Rudolph the Brown Nosed Reindeer

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose,
And if you ever saw it,
You could even say it glows. – Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer character byRobert L. May, 1939

See what happened to Rudolph’s predecessor Randy the Reindeer.

Funny Christmas Cartoon Rudolph Brown Nosed Reindeer



A Seriously Silly Sleigh Ride

Just hear those sleigh bells jingle-ing
Ring ting tingle-ing too
Come on, it’s lovely weather
For a sleigh ride together with you – Sleigh Ride by Leroy Anderson 1948

Funny Christmas Cartoon Card Rudolph Bubble Gum

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